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Tobias Alfers, MSc


Journal Articles #

  • Alfers, T., Gittler, G., Ulitzsch, E., & Pohl, S. (in press). Assessing the Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Psychological Testing using Experimental Manipulations. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

  • Pelikan, J.M., Link, T., Straßmayr, C., Waldherr, K., Alfers, T., Bøggild, H., Griebler, R., Lopatina, M., Mikšová, D., Nielsen, M.G., Peer, S., Vrdelja, M., on behalf of the HLS19 Consortium of the WHO Action Network M-POHL. (2022). Measuring comprehensive, general health literacy in the general adult population: The development and validation of the HLS19-Q12 instrument in seventeen countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19.

Book Chapters #

  • Link, T., Pelikan, J., Miksová, D., Strassmayr, C., Alfers, T., Berens, E-M., Berzelak, N., Bøggild, H., Drapkina, O., Finbråten, H. S., Griebler, R., Guttersrud, Ø., Le, C., Lopatina, M., Nielsen, M. G., Nogueira, P. J., Oliveira, J., Peer, S., Pettersen, K. S., … ; the HLS19 consortium of the WHO action network M-POHL. (2021). The HLS19-Q12 measure. In International report on the methodology, results, and recommendations of the european health literacy population survey 2019-2021 (HLS19) of M-POHL (pp. 88-110), Austrian National Public Health Institute.

  • Ulitzsch, E., Alfers, T., & Pohl, S. (2020, forthcoming). Using response times for improving the understanding and handling of missing responses. In L. Khorramdel, M. von Davier, & K. Yamamoto (Eds.), Innovative computer-based international large-scale assessments – foundations, methodologies and quality assurance procedures. Springer.

Unpublished Master Thesis #

  • Alfers, T. (2018). Item construction and evaluation using Rasch models – a bayesian approach. Unpublished Master Thesis, (Advisor: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mag. Georg Gittler), University of Vienna.

Conference Contributions #

  • Alfers, T., Gittler, G., Ulitzsch, E., & Pohl, S. (2022, September). Introducing time pressure to examine the Speed-Ability Tradeoff: A Diffusion Item Response Theory modeling approach. In T. Alfers, & S. Pohl (Chairs), Advances in psychometric modeling: What we can learn about examinees by consulting their response times. [Symposium]. Talk given at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.

  • Krause, R. W., Mutak, A., Much, S., Alfers, T., Ulitzsch, E., Ranger, J., & Pohl, S. (2022, September). Investigating the Speed-Ability Tradeoff in psychological tests using the Diffusion Item Response Theory model with Random Variability. In T. Alfers, & S. Pohl (Chairs), Advances in psychometric modeling: What we can learn about examinees by consulting their response times. [Symposium]. Talk given by Steffi Pohl at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.

  • Alfers, T., Gittler, G., Ulitzsch, E., & Pohl, S. (2022, July). What changes in Diffusion IRT model parameters can tell us about the Speed-Ability Tradeoff. In E. Ulitzsch (Chair), Advances in using response times for understanding between-person differences and within-person changes in test-takers’ behavior. [Symposium]. Talk given at the 87th Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Bologna, Italy.

  • Alfers, T., Gittler, G., Ulitzsch, E., & Pohl, S. (2021, June). Under pressure: Measuring cognitive abilities under instruction-induced time pressure. Talk given at the 6th International NEPS Conference, Virtual Meeting.

  • Alfers, T., & Gittler, G. (2018, July). Towards the importance of rule-based item construction using LLTM-R. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, New York, NY.

  • Alfers, T., Gittler, G., Siegel, M., & Pietschnig, J. (2018, April). Evidenzbasierte Studienberatung: eine Alternative zu reduktionistischen Ansätzen in RIASEC-basierten Beratungsinstrumenten [Evidence-based study counseling: An alternative to reductionistic approaches in RIASEC-based counseling tools]. Talk given at the 13th Conference of the Austrian Society for Psychology, Linz, Austria.

  • Siegel, M., Alfers, T., Pietschnig, J., & Gittler, G. (2018, April). Zur faktoriellen Ausdifferenzierung der RIASEC-Binnenstruktur bei Jugendlichen im Studienberatungsinstrument Studien-Navi [Towards the factorial differentiation of RIASEC in the case of adolescents by using the study counseling test Studien-Navi]. Talk given at the 13th Conference of the Austrian Society for Psychology, Linz, Austria.

Tobias Alfers, MSc
PhD Student at Freie Universität Berlin –> Psychologist at EUROCONTROL